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Gngr Privacy Policy


Great Nutrition Great Results Inc. (“Gngr”, “we”, “us”) offers two kinds of services: Healthcare Services and optional Wellness Services. When you register with Gngr as a User, you become eligible to use our Healthcare Services. You also become eligible to sign up separately for one or more of our Wellness Services, should you wish to.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. It describes how Gngr will collect, use, store, disclose, and protect your information in relation to our Healthcare Services and our Wellness Services.


The following provides the meaning of certain terms used in this Policy. If not defined below, the capitalized words and phrases in this Policy have the same meaning as in Gngr's Terms of Use.

"Gngr Platform" means, collectively, the hardware, software, applications, websites, Content, products, and services owned and/or operated by us to enable the provision of remote Healthcare Services to Users, among other purposes.

"Information" means, collectively, "Personal Information" (information about an identifiable User as further defined in Applicable Law) and "Personal Health Information" or "PHI" (information about an identifiable User’s health or healthcare as further defined in Applicable Law).

A "User" is an individual registered to use the Gngr Platform, including, unless otherwise specified, as part of a customized program provided by a third party. Unless we make a distinction, "Users" means all Users.

Health professionals (“Authorized Providers”) are, collectively, “Authorized Physicians” (physicians registered to practice medicine in a province or territory of Canada) and “Authorized Non-Physician Providers” (regulated health professionals other than physicians registered to practice in a province or territory of Canada) who are registered to use the Gngr Platform to provide “Healthcare Services” within their scope of practice to Users. An Authorized Provider provides Healthcare Services through a “Consultation,” which includes a review by the Authorized Provider to determine if the Healthcare Services requested by the Users are ones that can be provided.

“Applicable Law,” in relation to Gngr, Authorized Providers, or Users, means the laws and regulations, including privacy laws and regulations, to which each is subject.

"Content" means general information about health-related topics posted on the Gngr Platform, access to which is not the delivery of Healthcare Services and does not replace and cannot be relied upon as Healthcare Services.

Your Agreement with Gngr

If you are an Authorized Provider, your arrangement with Gngr – your rights and obligations and those of Gngr - is set out in the agreement between you and Gngr or, if you are providing Healthcare Services on behalf of a third-party organization that has contracted with Gngr, in the agreement between you and the third-party organization with which you are associated.

If you are a User, the arrangement between you and Gngr – your rights and obligations and those of Gngr – is set out in the Terms of Use and, where applicable, supplementary Terms.

Application of this Policy

This Policy describes Gngr's management of Information, including the purposes for which we collect, use, and disclose Information and the safeguards we use to protect Information. This Policy does not apply to the collection, use, retention, disposal, destruction, or protection of Information by Authorized Providers. The Authorized Providers who provide care to Users through the Gngr Platform are responsible at law for the Information that they collect, use, disclose, and store via the Gngr Platform. Please direct any questions you may have about how an Authorized Provider will treat your Information to the Authorized Provider.

The Gngr Platform and How Gngr Collects and Uses Information

The following is an overview of how the Gngr Platform generally functions and how Gngr collects and uses Information. The details of how the Gngr Platform functions may vary by Consultation and Authorized Provider.

Healthcare Services

Authorized Providers on the Gngr Platform collect Information about you (or any Registered Dependent, as defined below) that you provide before or during a Consultation. They may collect this Information in different ways, including through discussions with you during the Consultation, or when you enter or upload Information to the Gngr Platform before the Consultation. This includes Information that you provide in your consultation request. Authorized Providers use this Information to provide you with Healthcare Services. As noted above, they must comply with the privacy legislation and medical record-keeping obligations to which they are subject.

Wellness Services

You have the option to sign up to receive Wellness Services from Gngr, such as programs. If you sign up for one or more of our Wellness Services, you will be invited to provide Information about yourself (or any Registered Dependent) as part of your Gngr Health Profile. This may include, for example, Information about your health and wellness interests, your demographic data, and your health history. Gngr will collect this Information and use it to provide you with any Wellness Services for which you sign up. The data created through your use of our Wellness Services is used to further enhance and tailor your experience.

Other Collections and Uses of Information

Gngr uses Information to the extent necessary to develop, evaluate, improve, provide, and support the Gngr Platform and its various services. We may also use Information for loss prevention, to prevent fraud, and to comply with legal requirements. We do not collect or use Information if non-identifying information will suffice. We do not record the audio or video portions of Consultations.

Third-party service providers

Gngr uses third-party software and service providers for a variety of services, such as technical, operational, and marketing services. We require our third-party service providers to limit their use of Information to what is necessary for their services. We also require them to have security measures in place that are appropriate for the protection of Information. Some of our service providers operate from outside of Canada, which means that Information they use to provide their services to us will be subject to the laws of other jurisdictions and may be available to foreign government authorities under lawful orders and laws applicable in those jurisdictions.

Gngr’s disclosure of Information

Compliance, Fraud Prevention. We disclose Information to the extent required to comply with Applicable Law, including to respond to a subpoena, order, or similar obligation to produce information; and to establish or exercise Gngr’s legal rights, including to defend against legal claims and to detect, investigate, suppress, prevent, or take action regarding illegal or prohibited activities, such as suspected fraud and threats to the reputation or safety of any person.

Business transactions. We may disclose Information for the purposes of conducting required due diligence or the completion of a business transaction such as a merger, acquisition, or asset sale. We will comply with any applicable legal requirements, including agreements and notice requirements that apply to the disclosure of Information for such transactions.

Gngr’s retention/deletion of Information

Unless we notify you otherwise, we will retain your information on the Gngr Platform until you (or Gngr) close your Account. On termination, for a limited time, you will be able to print or copy your information held on the Gngr Platform. Any request for access to an Authorized Provider’s notes should be made directly to the Authorized Provider outside of the Gngr Platform. If you are having trouble finding the provider you consulted with, our Customer Support team may be able to help. Please contact us directly at

After the time period during which you may print or copy your information has ended, we will securely delete the information associated with your Account, except for any information that Gngr is required to retain under Applicable Law or information required by an Authorized Provider in connection with Healthcare Services. Gngr will delete the latter once the Authorized Provider makes a copy of the information or terminates their account with Gngr. When information is deleted, it is removed from our active database. Any information that remains in our backup is securely stored and isolated from any further processing until deletion is possible.

Accessing and correcting Information

You can access your Information or that of your Registered Dependents by logging in to your Account at

You may update or otherwise correct your Information at any time.

Privacy Settings

The Gngr Platform enables you to make choices to enhance the protection of your privacy. For example, you have the option of using audio, chat, or video for your Consultations. When requesting a Consultation, you may choose to withhold Information, for example, Information contained in your healthcare records, from the Authorized Provider. Please be aware that Authorized Providers may be unable to provide you with Healthcare Services as a result. They will advise you of the implications of your choice.

Please contact us directly at if you require assistance with these options or more generally have questions about how to use the Gngr Platform. To protect your privacy, we may request information to verify your identity when you contact us.

Safeguarding Information

We permit Gngr personnel (“Personnel,” which includes our employees, contractors, and subcontractors) to access Information only to the extent necessary to perform their designated functions. We require Personnel to complete privacy and security training and to commit to protecting Information by complying with our policies, procedures, and Applicable Law.

We store your information in electronic format within Canada, using computer systems with restricted access and that are housed in facilities using physical security measures.

More generally, we have in place appropriate physical, technological, and organizational safeguards, including access controls, to protect Information against loss, theft, and unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. Notwithstanding the safeguards we employ and our commitment to protecting Information, we cannot guarantee the security or error-free transmission or storage of Information. There are risks inherent in the use of electronic means to transmit and hold information in electronic format. These risks can be minimized but not eliminated by the use of appropriate security measures, such as the measures Gngr employs. These risks include interception, loss, corruption, unauthorized access to, use, and disclosure of Information, and delay in the availability of Information.

You play an important role in protecting the privacy of your Information. We ask you to do the following.

  • Create a strong and unique password for your Account and update your password periodically.
  • Do not share your Account or password with anyone. We will never ask you for your password, including in any unsolicited communication such as letters, phone calls, or email messages, so please do not provide it and contact us if you receive such a request.
  • Log out of your Account as soon as you finish using it, especially if you share the device you use to access the Gngr Platform with anyone else.
  • Password-protect your device with a strong and unique password.
  • Choose a quiet, private location from which to receive Healthcare Services.

Gngr’s collection and use of non-identifiable Data

Gngr obtains the authorization of Authorized Providers to collect and use non-identifiable data about their use of the Gngr Platform (“Data”). This may include, for example, non-identifiable information about the number of consults carried out by Authorized Providers on the Gngr Platform or the symptoms most commonly treated by Authorized Providers using the Gngr Platform. Gngr may use Data to monitor the compliance of Users and Authorized Providers with the Gngr Platform terms of use, to make the use of the Gngr Platform more accessible and enhance the Gngr Platform experience for Users and Authorized Providers, and to design optional surveys for Users. We may also use or disclose Data for internal product development purposes or for duly approved research projects. We will not use Data to re-identify Users or for any other purpose prohibited by Applicable Law.

Cookies and similar technologies

The Gngr Platform and Gngr’s email messages and marketing materials use “cookies” and other technologies such as pixel tags and web beacons. We use these technologies to better understand the use of the Gngr Platform, analyze trends, and administer, personalize, and improve the Gngr Platform user experience for Users and Authorized Providers.

Links to third party websites

The Gngr Platform may contain links to websites that we do not own or operate. The provision of these links is not an endorsement of or referral to the linked websites. We provide the links solely for your convenience. We strongly encourage you to review the privacy policies and terms of use applicable to any website you visit. This Policy does not apply to linked sites or pages, and we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices applicable to them or used by their operators.

Amendments to this Policy

Gngr last updated this Privacy Policy ("Policy") on September 5, 2023. We reserve the right to amend the Policy at any time to account for changes in Applicable Law, our practices, and the Gngr Platform. Please check to see if we have amended the Policy since you last used the Gngr Platform to ensure you are aware of (and agree to) our current privacy practices.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions about our privacy practices, please contact us. Please include your name and contact information if you would like us to respond to you.

Great Nutrition Great Results Inc.