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Food Combining

Do you ever think about how the combination of different foods might affect your digestion? If you eat a typical Western diet, chances are you don't pay attention to food combinations. Starches and proteins like eggs and toast for breakfast, or meat and potatoes for dinner, are standard in your daily diet. But have you considered what these combinations could be doing to your digestive system?

What is food combining?

Food combining has become a popular diet trend in recent years, but its origins date back much further than most people realize.

The philosophy of food combining has its roots in Ayurvedic diets from ancient India. This eating pattern avoids mixing different food categories, like proteins and starches, at meals. The belief is that improperly combined foods may counteract your body's ability to properly digest or break them down for nutrient absorption, which could lead to health problems.

There are strict food combining rules which dictate what foods can be mixed together and when they should be eaten. Most plans categorize food into one of the following groups:

  • Starches
  • Fruits (which can be further divided into categories like sweet, acidic, and melon)
  • Non - starchy vegetables
  • Proteins
  • Fats

To correctly combine these food groups and improve your digestion and health, follow the rules detailed below.

Food Combining Chart

Food Combining Rules

1. Eat fruit on an empty stomach.

You should eat fruit or drink juices (which should be diluted with water) first thing in the morning, between meals, or as a starter. However, do not eat them with other foods, in the middle of a meal, or as a dessert. The reason being that the body doesn't have to expend as much effort digesting fruit, and it moves quickly through the stomach for breakdown.

2. Never combine high-quality proteins and very starchy foods in the same meal.

Proteins and starchy vegetables should not be combined since they require different enzymes for digestion. Specifically, the release of pepsin is necessary to digest proteins which Starches do not need. For optimal digestion, consume protein with non-starchy vegetables or sea vegetables instead.

3. Grains can be combined with all vegetables

Food combining suggests that starches, in both grains and starchy vegetables, are digested similarly. This is why it is advised to combine rice and quinoa with potatoes and squash at mealtimes.

4. Combine protein fats with non-starchy vegetables

You can pair protein fats, such as avocado, olives, and nut oils, with non-starchy vegetables to create a nutritious meal.

5. Consume pulses (edible seeds) with vegetables

Peas, beans, and lentils are an essential part of plant-based protein diets. Careful consideration when combining pulses can help make them more digestible and, as a result, improve protein and fibre intake.

If you have trouble digesting pulses, consume them with other non-starchy vegetables. For example, eat lettuce, tomatoes, pepper, and cucumber with chickpeas and no extra protein added.

Benefits of Food Combining

Improve Digestion: Common symptoms of poor digestion include stomach cramps, pain, gas, and bloating. Strategically combining your meals could help you feel better by increasing nutrient absorption and boosting your energy levels.

Maintain weight: Not only may food combining improve your digestion, but it could also help you control your weight. The idea is that combining the wrong foods together creates an accumulation of undigested food in the gut, which rots and ferments. It is assumed that properly combined meals are completely digested in the stomach, eliminating build-up and gas production. As a result, weight reduction occurs.

Could Food Combining Benefit Your Health?

When it comes to food combining, there are a lot of different opinions out there. Some people believe that good food combinations can improve digestion, while others think that this way of eating is unnecessary and could even lead to deficiencies. So, what's the truth?

Well, the truth is that food combining can be beneficial for some people. If you have a sensitive stomach or you tend to get bloated after meals, then food combining might help to improve your digestion. Additionally, if you're trying to maintain weight, then food combining might help you to achieve your goals by helping you to eat more efficiently.

That said, food combining isn't right for everyone. If you don't have any digestive issues and you're not trying to maintain weight, then there's no need to follow a specific food-combining diet.

Source: Shelton, Herbert M. Food Combining Made Easy. 2013.

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